Seminar History



Seminar History


2004 -2009
Teaching on basic psychotherapy education


Seminar / Lectures

Lecture: November 12th

Obsessive neurosis / Tvångsneuros
Freud Sigmund, Iakttagelser beträffande ett fall av tvångsneuros(Råttmannen) [1909],  Fallstudier  (2000), Band VI, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud Sigmund, Disposition för tvångsneuros. Ett bidrag till neurosvalets problem [1913], Neuros och psykos, Småskrifter, Band VII, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud Lecture: June 3rd



Lecture: October 21st


Freud Sigmund, Sorg och melankoli [1915], Metapsykologi (2003), Band IX, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Haynal André, Depression & Creativity (1976), International Universities Press, Inc. New York
Lecture: December 2nd


Transference / Överföring
Racker Heinrich, Transference and Countertransference (1988), Karnac Books

Lecture: February 24th


Countertransference / Motöverföring

Racker Heinrich, Transference and Countertransference (1988), Karnac Books
Lecture: May 12th


Benjamin Jessica, Master and Slave, The Bonds of Love (1988), Pantheon
Freud Sigmund, Masochismens ekonomiska problem [1924], ur Metapsykologi (2003), Band IX, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Lecture: September 22th


The Oidipus Conflict / Oedipalkonflikten
Lecture: November 10th


Dreams / Drömmar
Freud Sigmund, Drömtydning [1900] (1996), Band II, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud Sigmund, Föreläsningar, Orientering i psykoanalysen [1915-17, 1932] (1996), Band I, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud lecture: March 2nd


Inhibition and Creativity / Hämning och Kreativitet

Chasseguet-Smirgel Janine, De två träden i trädgården (1991), Sfph
Chasseguet-Smirgel Janine, Creativity and Perversion, (1996), Free Association Books
Klein Melanie, Kärlek, skuld och gottgörelse (1988), Natur och Kultur
Freud Sigmund, Tre avhandlingar om sexualteori [1905], Sexualiteten (1998), Band V, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud Sigmund, Jaget and Detet [1923], Metapsykologi (2003), Band IX, ur Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur

Freud Sigmund, Nya föreläsningar publicerade 1932, Föreläsningar, Orientering i psykoanalysen  (1996), Band I, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Winnicott W Donald, Den skapande impulsen (1993), Natur och Kultur

Lecture: September 7th

Dreams / Drömmar
Freud Sigmund, Drömtydning [1900] (1996), Band II, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud seminar, 4 occasions, autumn term, is part of a series of Freud Seminars arranged by the Swedish Psychoanalytic Association in Gothenburg



Introductory speech on lecture day on Depression in Gothenburg, May 9, arranged by the Swedish Psychoanalytic Association

Dreams / Drömmar
Freud Sigmund, Drömtydning [1900] (1996), Band II, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud seminar, 5 occasions, spring term

Mourning and Depression / Sorg och depression
Sigmund Freud, Sorg och melankoli [1915], Metapsykologi (2003), Band IX, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Haynal André, Depression & Creativity (1976), International Universities Press, Inc. NewYork
Seminar, 5 occasions, autumn term


Inhibition and Creativity / Hämning och Kreativitet
Lecture  October 13th
Depressions, Introductory speech on lecture day in Lund, October 23rd, arranged by the Swedish Psychoanalytic Association
Master and Slave, about sadism and masochism / Master and Slave, om sadism och masochism
Benjamin Jessica, Master and Slave, The Bonds of Love (1988), Pantheon
Fitzpatrik Hanly Margaret Ann, Editor, Essentials Papers on Masochism (1995), New York University Press
Freud Sigmund, Masochismens ekonomiska problem [1924], Metapsykologi (2003), Band IX, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Seminar, 5 occasions, spring term


Grunberger Bèla, New Essays on Narcissism (1989), Free Association Books
Seminar, 5 occasions, autumn term


Chasseguet-Smirgel Janine, Creativity and Perversion, (1996), Free Association Books
Seminar on December 15th


The Ego Ideal
Chasseguet-Smirgel Janine, The Ego Ideal (1985), Free Association Books
Seminar, 5 occasions, spring term

Art and Literature / Konst och litteratur
The seminars are primarily based on Sigmund Freud, but also on other theorists’ contributions to understanding the subject based on a psychoanalytical perspective. This entails how, through genuine sublimation, through art and literature, one can reach the richness of theirs unconscious, lit for a moment.
Freud Sigmund, Konst och litteratur (2007), Band XI, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud seminar, 5 occasions, autumn term, is part of a series of seminars organized by the Swedish Psychoanalytic Association in Gothenburg



Love and Sexuality / Kärlek och sexualitet
The seminar is based on Sigmund Freud’s theories of love, sexuality, gender differences and neurosis.
Freud Sigmund, Sexualiteten (1998), Band V, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud seminar, 5 occasions, spring term

Soulmurder, psychological violence against children / Soulmurder, psykiskt våld mot barn
The lecture was given on the basis of Leonard Shengold’s book Soul Murder, including the consequences of persons exposed to extensive psychological violence as a child, overtly or more or less subtly perpetrated by a relative, often one or both of the parents. Shengold emphasizes that, in such circumstances, the child is referred to absolute dependency on the perpetrators, and the reaction to the abuse includes an unbearable combination of helplessness and anger, which in turn must be suppressed for the child to survive. Brainwashing both from the perpetrator and the child makes it possible to obstruct what happened and/or is happening. The child becomes an object in the possession of the other, totally subjected to the power of the other, the sense of identity is lost, and the soul is in bondage to the other. In Paul Schreber’s expression, life is absorbed by the other. The ability to feel vitality and joy in life has been seriously curtailed.
Freud, Sigmund [1909]: Iakttagelser beträffande ett fall av tvångsneuros (Råttmannen) Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Fallstudier, Band VI (2000), Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.
Freud, Sigmund [1910]: Om urordens antitetiska betydelse  Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Konst och litteratur, Band  XI (2007), Stockholm: Natur och Kultur
Freud, Sigmund [1925]: Några psykiska följder av den anatomiska skillnaden mellan könen  Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Sexualiteten, Band V, (1998), Stockholm: Natur och Kultur
Johansson, Per Magnus (2003): Freuds psykoanalys, Arvtagare i Sverige, Del  2, Bd 3, Göteborg: Daidalos
Johansson, Per Magnus (2011): Arche, 34-35. Göteborg: Freudianska föreningen
Orwell, George (1949): Nittonåttiofyra (1983), Stockholm: Atlantis
Shengold, Leonard (1989): Soulmurder, The Effects of Childhood Abuse and Deprivation, New York: Fawsett Columbine
Sofokles [approx. 442 BC]: Antigone (2003): Lund: Ellerströms
Sofokles [approx. 427 BC]: Kung Oidipus, in Grekisk litteratur (1996), Stockholm: Norstedts Förlag
Sofokles [ca 406 BC]: Oidipus i Kolonus (1947), Stockholm: PA Norstedts Förlag

Lecture on Lectureday on children’s perspective in Gothenburg, February 24rd, arranged by the Swedish Psychoanalytic Association


Totem and taboo and other psychoanalytic considerations on culture /                                                     Totem och tabu och andra betraktelser på kulturen

The seminar is based on Sigmund Freud’s theories of man as a culture-creating creature. From the Oedipal conflict with its passionate desires, defeating imaginations of concomitant feelings of guilt that create the desire for reconciliation or punishment, the superego is established and forms the foundation of culture’s origin and endurance.
Freud Sigmund, Samhälle och religion (2008), Band X, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud seminar, 5 occasions, autumn term


Totem and taboo / Totem och tabu
Freud Sigmund, Totem och tabu [1912-13], Samhälle och religion (2008), Band X, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud  Seminar, October 6th, organized by Göteborgs förening för filosofi och psykoanalys


Soulmurder, psychological violence against children / Soulmurder, psykiskt våld mot barn
Lecture: October 15th


Totem and taboo and the obsessive neurotic dilemma / Totem och tabu och det tvångsneurotiska dilemmat
Freud Sigmund, Totem och tabu [1912-13], Samhälle och religion (2008), Band X, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud Sigmund, Iakttagelser beträffande ett fall av tvångsneuros (Råttmannen) [1909], Fallstudier (2000), Band VI, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud Sigmund, Disposition för tvångsneuros. Ett bidrag till neurosvalets problem [1913], Neuros och psykos, Småskrifter, Band VII, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur

Freud lecture:  December 3rd


The Talking Cure, Anna O’s fortunate chosen language suit, denoting the liberating momentum that arises when the repressed, and for the conscious soul unwelcome reminiscences, are named and announced.

According to Sigmund Freud, the neurotic symptom forms a memory symbol, a substitute for it from its own performance-content cleaved affects. With the accessibility of language, reunion’s affection and imagination, the grip of the neurosis is disarmed and its content becomes speechful.

Sigmund Freud and Josef Breuer found that the language of man has a cathartic effect, and forms a surrogate for the abreaction and discharge of an experienced violation.

The seminar follows on from Sigmund Freud’s and also Josef Breuer’s work which constitutes the beginning of psychoanalytic theory and practice.
Freud Sigmund, Tidiga skrifter och historik (1997), Band III, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud seminar, 5 occasions, spring term
Interpretation of Dreams / Drömtydning
Dreams * [Synonym; desires]
When the hunger becomes too hard and the burdens many, the Night comes to rescue, and in the rest of bliss, in its dream, one gets rested in “a land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:17).

Driven by a hidden pathos for truth, the human being seeks to openly express its inner wishes.

Parallel with the conscious mind, a superior unconscious intelligence is dwelling, which, through coded opinions, submerged in the manifest intentional discourse, seeks to speak, revealing its hidden meaning. The coded opinions of the subject contain the secret, rejected, repulsive, initially deliberately repressed, passionated and wanton desires. A hidden sentence is expressed in parallel with the conscious intention of the subject.

Man is a requesting creature [Lacan], and the fulfillment of the desired, the requested (desire) becomes the goal of all existence. In the dream, this takes place in a hidden form at night, where the infantile and forbidden desires are hallucinated as fulfilled. The manifest dream tends to form a distorted substitute for an unfamiliar content, “the masked fulfillment of a repressed desire” [Freud 1915-17].

The unavoidable, incessant and ubiquitous paradigm of dreams and human beings: The lawfulness of the associations – rules within the subject via the association compulsion in order to articulate the repressed desire (= hallucinate the coveted desire fulfillment).

Life takes place under a compromise between “the resistance of the ego and the power of return” [Freud 1896]. This duel is omnipresent within the subject, in the psychic symptoms as well as in the dream with clarity par excellence. The repressed desires seeks outflow via the association compulsion in battle with the censorship, which, through the association resistance, seeks to prevent its return. The purpose of the censorship is to protect the subject from acknowledging their responsibility for what he or she does not want to acknowledge, but instead disgusts them.

The nightmare, in parity, confers, with the interpretation of the dream, the dreamer to view the hidden meaning of the dreams. In the nightmare, the “principle of inertia” [Freud 1895] has been put out of play, and beyond the protective hedge of culture (the lie), the dreamer is brutally exposed to their secret passions. The excessive refreshment that follows the nightmare is covered up and awash by the intense torment it means to witness the horrific desires as fulfilled. If the nightmare does not overpower the dreamer, it generates in its violence, a cathartic effect, although painful, provided that the dreamer is able to incorporate it: the nightmare’s disruptive and healing effect. “In the beginning was the deed” [Goethe, Faust I, 1808].

The interpretation of the dream contributes to the encounter with the latent meaning of dreams under human forms. By seeking to overcome association resistance and thus freeing the association compulsion, the recapture and articulation of the original, the first thought, are enabled.

The Lord said, “The Truth shall deliver you (from sin)” [John 8:31, 32] “To speak is to sin.” [Legendre 1980]. And if to dream is to speak, the interpretation of the dream constitutes the confession that binds the dreaming subject to the crime, the Bond that transmutes him or her from sin.

Freud Sigmund, Drömtydning [1900] (1996), Band II, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud Sigmund, Föreläsningar, Orientering i psykoanalysen [1915-17, 1932] (1996), Band I, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur

Freud seminarium May 27th


Mourning and melancholia / Sorg och melankoli
The dream of not having to be separated from, but instead preserving, the exclusive bond, unbroken to the lost loved person or love object held responsible for the loss of love, embodied and manifested as fulfilled in melancholy.

In the play between hate and love – when the betrayals are too many and own love too strong – a plan is secretly forged. Through the seduction towards a cannibalist maneuver, a hallucinated like that, the lost love object is incorporated and enclosed by the subject’s own self. The loss is denied when the grief becomes too heavy.

But the price, for the fulfillment of the deceptive but obstinate claim to remain combined with the lost love object, outermost representing the early mother, is high. The father is excluded, the closeness to the language, articulation and meaningfulness are made shallow, and autonomy and self-esteem are lost. And the privilege of adult life – that seriously –  in need and desire – joins in with another human being becomes unreachable.
Freud Sigmund, Introduktion till narcissismen [1914], Metapsykologi (2003), Band IX, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud Sigmund, Sorg och melankoli [1915], Metapsykologi (2003), Band IX, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud Sigmund, Föreläsningar, Orientering i psykoanalysen [1932] (1996), Band I, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur

Klein Melanie, Ett bidrag till de manodepressiva tillståndens psykogenes [1935]  Kärlek, skuld och gottgörelse (1988), Natur och Kultur
Klein Melaine, Sorg och dess samband med manodepressiva tillstånd [1940]  Kärlek, skuld och gottgörelse (1988), Natur och Kultur

Lecture: December 17th, arranged by Riksföreningen Psykoterapicentrum, Västra Götaland



Video Conference about Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Video Conference 29 march, for Master´s  Students at KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

Language: English

                                                                                                                                                                                  Freud Sigmund, Drömtydning [1900] (1996), Band II, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur
Freud Sigmund, Föreläsningar, Orientering i psykoanalysen [1915-17, 1932] (1996), Band I, Samlade skrifter av Sigmund Freud, Natur och Kultur



Soulmurder – Psychological Violence against Children >>

This Lecture was held by Inga-Lill Lindström, on a Lecture Day about “Child perspective” in February 2012     in Gothenburg, Sweden, arranged by the Swedish Psychoanalytic Society. The lecture was held in Swedish.

The lecture, based on Leonard Shengold’s book Soulmurder, The Effects of Childhood Abuse and Deprivation [1989], is about the consequences that accompanies people exposed to extensive psychological violence as children, overtly or more or less subtly perpetrated by close relatives, often one or both parents.

“Is there a life without father and mother?” According to Shengold this question is particulary urgent and relevant for every soulmurdervictim.

Shengold emphasizes that the psychologically abused child has an absolute dependence on the perpetrators, and the reaction to the abuse and torture includes an indigestible combination of  helplessness and anger, which in turn must be suppressed in order for the child to survive. The child is exposed to brainwashing executed both from  the perpetrators and  from the child, the victim itself. Making  it possible for the child to repress what is happening or happend. The intense need to see the tormentor as good and right is absolutely and  the child must submit and  identify with the tormentor  in the promise that the tormentor  will be good and rescue her, and believe that she herself must be bad. ”Confidence in the testimony of the own senses is broken” (Ferenczi 1933).

The victims of soulmurder becomes an object in the possession of another, totally subjected to the power of the other, the sense of identity is lost, “the soul is in bondage to someone else”. As Paul Schreber’s writes, “One person absorbs the life of another”. The ability to feel vitality and joy in life is seriously curtailed. August Strindberg [1887] gave Soulmurder the meaning of  “taking away a person´s reason for living”.

“In the place of the lost autencity behind a “façade of normality” is the victim of soulmurder relegated to” Shengold writes. “But the hate as the abuse generated germinates behind the façade…Underneath lurk murderousness and suicide”.

“Denying and “restraining” the hate becomes obsessive and fundamental” according to Shengold. “A soulmurder scenario is suggested by the massive defenses involved, the intensity of the compulsion to repeat and be punished and the centrality of the guilt-ridden fantasy life based on the memory”.

“For the abused child, loving feeling means providing the emotional opening for the abuser that leads in unconscious expectation to a danger of  being traumatically flooded  with sensation and intimations of ego disintegration” Shengold considers. The abused child is relegated to passivity and is at the same time driven by cannibalistic striving. “The intensity of hatred is massive and crippling” and  invades  meaningful relationsships, and  threatens to destroy every human bond”.

Alongside abuse and deprivation Shengold finds that overindulgence and excessive need satisfaction  plays  considerable roles in soulmurder. Also Rudyard  Kipling pays attention to such infringements, in his stories he depicts the narcissistic vulnerability that often accompanies  the grandiosity of  the indulged child.                            This vulnerability becomes an additional burden for the soulmurdervictim to bear.


Videoseminar Youtube, Release 11 augusti

Language: English

Literature: >>



Film and psychoanalysis, how do they relate to each other?

Natacha April Sourys and Sebastian Johansson Micci show their graduation films from HDK – Valand, University of Gothenburg, En familie / Layers of Skin and The Drowning Goat

With following discussion with Natacha April Sourys, Sebastian Johansson Micci, Inga-Lill Lindström and moderator Ram Krishna Ranjan

Language, English

Webinar, 7th of May